
Monday, April 29, 2019


It was my birthday and I got a present it was a bow I got then i got told to wait there then they brong a puppy out and said it was mine. me and Backer  played football and then i stared playing football for a club i brang my dog too football once and i got picked on and they said my dog was ugly and that i was stupid because i had a dog an they told me that i do not take good care of him. but then one day he got very very sick and he de not do tricks so we toke him to the vet they said that he was put sit and sick to take him home and let him sleep so me and my dad toke him home and he sleeped in his bed and then i went to bed we woke up the next day and he was eating and brinking aging he looked much more better the next day but then a two weeks  latter he got very very sick and we toke him to the vet aging and he had to  get put bown and i stand at the boor and i was very up sit but then it was my sisters birthday and see got a puppy is well for her birthday and she played bord games with her puppy and toke her dog for walks every day but her dog got older and older and older he de not have much more lives to live they went to the vet and the vet told us that she only has one more week to live and to spend as much time as u can with her and to stay buy her side and when she starts to no play with you eny more or she does not want to go for walks any more then to bring her back to us and we well have to sadly put her to sleeps it well not de a  happy thing to do but bont feget that it is the best thing to do for her and  it is the right thing to do so spend her time the right way and dont feget to stay by her side the hole time until the day you have every right to cry because it is a sad thing to do...

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

kiwi kaha

intro - kiwi can is now kiwi kaha for year 7 & 8.

Tamani - did the cone flip  he came 3rd place - they had two cones with the first cone they had to filp it and land it with the second cone they had to flip that cone on top of the aver one...

Jesse - did keep the ballon off the ground - they had to blow a bubble and see who can get to the other side with the bubble...
Jayden - eat cookie no hands - they had two cookie they had to put the cookie on there fore head and they had to try get it in there mouth with out drooping it on the ground if they drooped it on the ground they had to restart...

Rarotonga and Shanaria - de balloon transporters - there were to people they had there back together but they had a ballon in between them and they were not allowed to drop the ballon they had to walk from one side of the room the the other side with out drooping the ballon on the ground...
Zack - did the yes / no water gun - there was a teacher and a kid the teacher had to ask the kid question and they were not allowed to say yes or no if they said yes or no they got scored in the fast with water... 

Hans - did the spaghetti pasta, loading penne pasta - they add a pinch of pasta in there  mouth and they had to get the past off the table with out using there hands to get it off the table...

Statistics - mean mode median

We have been learning about mean mode  median

Mean - is the average or norm 

Mode - is the most frequent value 

Median - is the middle value